Dec 23, 2011

How This Blog Started

Hi, I'm Mrs. Pocketbook (Lio) and I love compiling pocketbooks. I do it everywhere I go. Ah... the feeling of having all the important things that I need to know at my 'fingertips' - in a mini book that I can carry in my pocket.

It all started exactly 10 years ago in 2001, when I was 19 years old.

My first pocketbook emerged during my polytechnic attachment for my Electrical Engineering Course. It has notes on how electricity is distributed across the country, the equipment tests done for maintenance and troubleshooting, whatever I did and learn for that day, and so on.

Then, the second one came about while I was in the Navy working as a combat-cum-technician. Contents include the location and layout of all electrical, electronic, and mechanical systems on-board the vessel and instructions on fire-fighting and flooding.

The next one was done during my employment as an immigration officer after completing my Psychology Degree. It has information on custom and immigration laws and offences, types of prohibited goods, visa clearance type for all countries, the list of immigration officers under my supervision, and so on.

But all that was my past.

Now, I'm a full-time mother to a one-year-old boy. And yes, I have pocketbooks for my home too! Three of them actually. I actually started writing them when I moved into my new home 6 years ago where I am happily married with my own kitchen, my own little library of books, my own home...

The first pocketbook for my home is filled with notes on healthy foods, lists of recipes that I love to prepare for my family and recipes that I've collected over the years from my mom, cooking TV shows, magazines, and the internet - with changes and new creations that suit my hubby and my palate.

Then, I have another one which I call 'My Little Black Book'. It comprises notes on my self-reflection and felt emotions, quotes that inspires me and keeps me going, and other 'spiritual' stuff which makes me feel blissful or relieved after reading them.

Finally, the third pocketbook for my home includes essential notes and lists on anything that matters. From the '5 Shoes That Every Woman Should Own' and 'Ways To Save Water' to the most recent one on 'Milestones Of My Baby Boy' - particularly on the days he started to cut his first tooth, crawl, walk, babble, and so on.

On top of that, I have diaries where I'll pen down important events of my life, be it good days or not-so-good days - e.g. 'My 37 Weeks Of Pregnancy' - so that I can remember the feelings felt then. For the record, I have written 7 diaries in total and am on my 8th one now. The earliest journal was written in 1992 when I was just 10 years old. That's about 20 years ago!

While these 3 pocketbooks and my journal are 'still in progress', I was thinking: Why don't I just post them as a blog and make it into an all-in-one virtual pocketbook? The Pocketbook of pocketbooks! In this way, I can share with as many people as possible, the useful tips for daily life which have worked for me. I hope that my readers can be happier after trying them out :)

In essence, this virtual pocketbook encompasses the classic segments of my life that I want to remember for life. And I'll be reading it when I grow old to relish both the bad and good old days with my husband. This may also be my biography or even my obituary which my son and grandchildren may read!

Even more so, this is an outlet where I express my love and gratitude for my husband, Jeff - the greatest love of my life – and how thankful I am to have his child, Jovie – the joy of my life. They are like blue roses - special, precious and beautiful.

By the way, today is our 6th year of marriage. Happy Anniversary my dear!

My precious blue roses on 8th Feb 2012.

Both of them are born coincidently in the year of Tiger, 36 years apart.