May 3, 2018

The Best Thing That You Can Do To Yourself

1. Learn how to reject others without feeling guilty at all. Say NO gracefully.

2. Do not hold on to grudges. They'll only give you more stress, physically and mentally. Set it aside and wait quietly for things to change instead. Nothing lasts forever.

3. Find a focal point of your life. The centre of interest of your life where everything stems from here. Something that makes you really happy. My main focal point is my family after I became a housewife. I do all sorts of things to make my family happy. It makes me happy in return.

4. Find a healthy hobby (or a few) that you can engage in and focus on during your free time. It makes you forget about all your worries and physical pain. Embroidery, photography, painting, jogging, swimming, cooking, baking, blogging, model making, scrapbooking, dancing - whichever makes you feel good.

5. Care less about those bad people who don't matter.

6. Come up with strategies to protect yourself from harm.

7. Let go of toxic friends.

8. Forgive your enemies. Perhaps they're feeling sorry and guilty about what they did to you. Perhaps they didn't really mean to do the bad things to you, or they are just ignorant at that time. Forgiving them may be the best thing you can do to yourself.

9. Last, but not least...
Laugh out heartedly. 
Love bravely. 
Smile lovingly. 
Hug warmly. 
Kiss blissfully.
Send someone a sweet message.
Say something to someone nicely.
Do everything peacefully.