Apr 23, 2015

I Am Lost Again

Yes, I am really lost again. I mean, a few days ago.

As I run through my daily life, I sometimes get emotionally stuck and lose my direction in life. Many of us face this situation once in a while. For me, I get out of this rut by reading the following 3 verses.

As the river ebbs and flows,
So do we have our ups and downs in life.
Hard times will precede good fortune.

This verse reminds me that life is simply thus: a cycle of ups and downs. And, we just have to accept this fact.

The next verse is from a Korean show I do, I do, final lines in the final episode. This is a story about a middle-aged single mother finally finding her true love and happiness (although unconventional) after countless dilemma and setbacks. And these are her final thoughts in the show.

Which is the correct path?
Where should I go?
In future, it will still be confusing.
But I'll never be afraid again.

Life may not be what I expected.
But sometimes, it brings me an unexpected gift.
My love, my child.
And people I'm grateful to.

In the short span of nine months*,
I received a tremendous gift
What gift is lying in wait for me in the uncertain future?
I'm already curious.
No, I'm full of anticipation.

*if reading for yourself, replace with the time span and gift that you are reflecting on (e.g. within this 10 years, I received...). Naturally, this will lead me to the next verse.

A moment in time is worth a thousand taels of gold.

This verse brings me to this priceless, present moment. I should know, my happiness is right under my nose, right here, right now.

As I looked upon the endless universe, I felt so small. But as I feel my child in my arms I feel boundless and unlimited. Like I can do anything just to protect my child. I'll never forget this priceless moment in time

Actually, this post serves as a prelude to my next post: How To Overcome Your Difficulties and Find Long-term Happiness. After so many years of searching, I am pretty confident that I have finally found my happiness. Not the laugh-out-loud, strike-lottery kind of happiness, but rather it's a calm and zen-like kind of contented happiness.

PS: I may look bubbly on the outside but deep down, I am an anxious worrier. Therefore, I've been looking for a solution and I finally got it!

It was like a subtle AH-HA moment for me. Not in a dramatic manner, but a quiet, inner, mental-realisation or 'enlightenment' if you wish. It's like I've finally found the final piece of the puzzle. It stems from the many encounters and events I went through. One fine day, I heard something on the TV and everything I know just clicked into place! This post should be up next month. See you then.