May 21, 2016

Random Notes On My Hubby And Son

Hubby with his camera and the hyperactive Jovie jumping around as usual.

Here are some of my precious moments/state of mind that I'd like to capture.

1. There's a newfound joie de vivre (feeling of happiness and excitement about life) and a certain charismatic air about Hubby after we had a child. It's the fatherly glow - the way he loves his child makes him so beautiful.

2. Putting my eyes against his warm head gives me the most secure feeling in the world. That heat from his head piercing right into my cold eyes.... It's as if I had the whole world and nothing else matters anymore.

3. Seeing both of them clean, fed and sound asleep gives me the most blissful feeling in the world. 

4. My child's joyous laughter and outburst of kisses melts away all my stresses. And the sudden "I love you mommy" makes everything worthwhile. 

5. Being married to my husband, having to sign on that dotted line, is to be committed to working out our differences - for life. And I am glad that both of us are still willing to work on our marriage after a decade. 

6. After trying for six months, we've finally got a bun in the oven!

7. My boy at 3 years old: 
He sometimes stares right into my eyeballs, shoos me away and say: "Go away mummy, go back to your kitchen and cook, don't ti-pert (disturb) me!" Sometimes he hugs me suddenly.

8. "Mommy" is one of the best things I've heard in my life. And the way he looks (at things), the way he smiles, the way he walks, the way he stinks (!), somehow makes me feel like the luckiest mom on earth.

9. As both my hubby and child are clutter-prone - they can simply ditch random personal items as they move around the house - it'll be great to have a central drawer where they can dump everything inside and then clear out every few weeks (important note for our renovation).

Eagle spotting at Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve

10. I stay sane with pre-dawn brisk walks around the big field every morning for about an hour to 'clear my mind' before the insanity of the new day begins. When hubby and son are still sound asleep, I'll sneak out for a quick run/walk. This is my precious 'me' time.

11. I feel that I can now breathe easier as my son started attending preschool.

12. At almost 4 years old, he had become much more difficult to handle. As he grew physically, his balance, dexterity, and curiosity increased. He is practically jumping from wall to wall in the house like a monkey. Only Peppa Pig and Umizoomi videos could make him sit still. 

13. He's cute as a button.

14. At 5 years old: When I was trying to discipline him while using a cane to scare him, I can't help burst out laughing. Many times, I have to hold in my bursting laughter. I'm so terrible. I think he had me under his thumb.

15. The other day, when I saw my son approaching I thought to myself...
"Here comes the tornado"

16. My man has recently gained a dad bod (swelling tummy, neck and all). He is getting older. No doubt about it. #confirmdoubleconfirm

17. I am sometimes jealous of my hubby having a mini-me. And I wonder how my mini-me would look like.

18. Joke: One day I was having my menses and peeing in the bathroom and my child (5 year old) came in abruptly and said to me: 

"Oh Mommy! You're bleeding! Are you going to die? Awww.. I'll miss you Mommy."

Then, on another day, I placed a new sanitary pad with light green packaging in the bathroom vanity top and he asked his Papa:

"Papa, is that mommy's diapers?"
"It looks like green cheese (slice)"