Nov 17, 2017

How To Really Live A Positive Life?

They always say:
Be Positive. 

But, how do we actually DO it? Mentally? Or physically? How exactly? When exactly?

Here's how I keep myself positive and upbeat: by creating a list of  positive beliefs or mantras.

And here's the thing: I keep them near me - in my phone, desk wall or desktop - and I constantly recite them to myself, especially in tougher times.

Create your own list of beliefs, attitude, or mantras and repeat them to yourself periodically in order to lead a positive, driven life. They'll give you strength and courage to move onwards happily and positively everyday.

Here's my list. Hope they can inspire you too.

1. The best thing that you can do every single day of your life is to make positive contributions to the people around you or to the society. Do something useful to the people you meet everyday or bring warmth and joy to as many people as you can. Life is as miserable as it is. Everybody carries their own sets of problems, setbacks, and insecurities, no matter how great you think they may seem to be. Be as nice as you can. If it's really impossible to be nice all the time, at least be neutral. Don't add on to the hostility in this world.

2. Take it from Confucius: If you can't look back with satisfaction, at least look forward with anticipation. Instead of wallowing in self-pity because of a past event, why don't you put down the past, move onwards, look into your future and visualise what kind of life do you really want to live in? Let's say it's something materialistic (but realistic). You want to own a condominium within 5 or 8 years. Okay. So, what's the next step? Start working towards the goal you want! Start right now. Do well in your job, and save a certain amount of money monthly. Do the calculations. Plan the steps you need to take to lead you to your desired destination. Your daily motivation is to work towards your goal. By the way, my daily motivation is to create my very own warm and happy family and home that I never had growing up.

3. Stop negativity. Negativity in any form (complaining, comparing, worrying, wallowing in self-pity and despair) will only attract more negativity, like a vicious cycle. So, throw away your all unhappy past and all grudges, which is akin to pest - don't let it fester in your life and hinder you from becoming a better person anymore, it has done enough damage already. Take them as one of your life experiences or good lessons learnt. If there are no challenges in life, you will not taste the sweetness of true success and achievement.

4. My old fashion phrase:

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. 
It's about learning how to dance in the rain. 
~ Vivian Greene

To me, this saying meant that we should continue to experience and live life to the fullest no matter what may come upon us. Waiting for the right time to be 'finally happy ever after' is going to waste so much of the precious time out of our short life span that is ticking away continuously. Look for the joy even when it's raining.

5. Stop finding yourself. Stop creating yourself. Just be the best version of yourself. I came up with this because I really can't seem to 'find' my old self back and I feel tired trying to figure out who am I 'suppose' to be. So, I've decided to just present the best of myself in both good and bad times. This is a much more relaxing way to live. 😏

I hope this write-up can inspire you into moving onwards positively by adopting useful and encouraging beliefs and phrases into your everyday life. Cheers to being alive people!