Greatest gift from heaven - our little blue rose |
It's incredible how time just flew by me, and my baby boy is turning 2 tomorrow! (on 8th Oct 2012). There's a saying: "Days pass slowly, whilst years pass quickly" how ironically true!
No actual celebrations though, given the sombre atmosphere in our family. Jovie's grandpa was admitted to the hospital and is still recuperating, and my husband will be bringing him to the doctor's for a medical review in the morning of Jovie's birthday.
A cosy dinner and a little cake should suffice for this year - just the three of us.
Now that Jovie is finally 2 (both of us survived!?), it's time to blog out the notes that I'd been penning regarding his milestones - together with anything I can remember straight off my head.
This list got really humongous, so be sure to have a sizeable chunk of time before you dip in.
Without more ado, here we go!
1 to 2 months old
8 days old. Hello world, here I come! |
No milestones exactly notable for the first month. He just laid there, like a helpless cub, looking around, cried, ate, pooed, hiccuped, puked, cried, and ate, and pooed again. So, the parents cleaned, fed, burped, cooed, and cleaned and...
Otherwise, what did the parents do? They smelled and smelled, and smelled him - like every 5 minutes. Ooh... that addictive dose of chummy fragrance *drools... that irresistible milky-sweet blend that gets me all puffed up! (Perhaps the force of Mother Nature for instinctual bonding?) To all new parents, smell the roses baby all you can before it diminishes at around age 2. You won't find it anywhere else and you'll miss it ALOT. :)
He had jaundice when he was 5 days old and suffered for 3 days straight in the phototherapy box we'd rented from the hospital. We had the option of putting him in the hospital for this light treatment but we declined as he wouldn't be attended to as exclusively by the nurses - there were so many other babies to look after. Moreover, we were only able to see him from afar.
We were so worried when the doctor mentioned that if his bilirubin (a colour pigment) level continues to rise, he'll need a blood transfusion.
Things turned for the better (baby's skin is not that yellowish anymore) after the grueling 3 days of round-the-clock watch (on baby Jovie who is suffering in the blue-light box) which hubby and me took turns to rest.
"Come on, Jovie! We can survive this. Come on! Papa and mummy is here with you!"
The first few months of having a newborn, especially that 3-day phototherapy watch, was the most physically and mentally exhausting period of our lives! But yet, it's very fulfilling and rewarding to see your tiny clone making funny faces and kicking about.
We practically didn't sleep. I couldn't bear to shut my eyes. And if I'd dozed off and wakes up, I'll jump and check whether he's still there.
What if he suffocates when he's on his stomach while sunning his back? If 2 hours has past, we need to turn him around to sun his front body and wears his eye mask, making sure his eyes stays covered from the rays. Is he hungry already? Is it time to feed? Should I stop breastfeeding - just in case that's the
reason for his jaundice? Did he poo?
It hurts to see him enduring the treatment and I was tearing everyday. I even thought: "Sorry Jovie, it's mummy's fault to bring you to this world to suffer like this."
Thank god the demon went away after the subsequent month of sunbathing in the mornings and evenings.
He got his first teeth on his first Christmas night (Dec 25, 2010) - 2 bottom front teeth at 2 months old (that's way too early!). Papa discovered it and we thought it was tiny tissue bits on his bare gums. All I want for X'mas is my 2 front teeth, my 2 front teeth, yes my 2 front teeth...
It wows people when they hear that Jovie got his first tooth at just 2 months (some babies, by the way, is even born with a tooth). But for me, this seemingly good news turned out to be a misfortune. At just 2.52kg (5lb 9oz) at birth he was already underweight. The early onset of his teething made it worse as he gradually becomes irritable, cranky, does not eat well, and has difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.
At this point where most mothers, I believe, would be focused on their baby's weight gain, I'm faced with a tiny baby who is not eating and not gaining weight - it was agonizing. Even the doctors whom we see for the periodic check up were getting concerned by his almost zero weight gain. Much to our relief, the overall situation subsequently improved. He slowly morphed into a chubby little tyke which is oh so adorable!
2 months old. Left: Everybody was kung-fu fighting, HA! Right: Rock-a-bye baby in the hammock... |
*My depressing period: I feel like collapsing and giving up - it's been months since I last really slept. When I finally try to sleep when he sleeps (I'm a very light sleeper too), the faintest noise, wherever the source, would wake him up. And the dreadful cycle of feeding, soothing, washing, and changing repeats again.
Feeling like a lethargic eighty-year-old woman, especially just after giving birth, and coupled with the extreme fatigue from the lack of sleep, I would just doze off for a minute or two while doing something - like while I'm feeding him. I have never been so physically tired in my entire life. Now, I get a phobia whenever I think of having another child.
3 to 8 months old
4 months old. Tummy time: Mommy, look at me! |
He wasn't mobile only until 3 months old when he kind of flipped to his side, by crunching his tummy.
When he is more stable, I'll intentionally place him nicely on the floor, on his tummy and frail arms (time to build some muscles little boy!) so that he could lift his head off the floor (45 degrees at first) independently to look around.
Smiles and giggles at 3 months without being tickled.
We call him 'sweat-head' for obvious reasons. He literally wets his bed, forming a big wet sweat ring with his head while sleeping. Came to know, baby not developed enough to regulate their own body temperature.
His right eye seems to be misaligned - looking towards the centre. Asked the doctor a few times and was told he'll eventually grow out of it - which he did.
At 5 months, stands up (bears weight on leg) with aid.
By the 6 months he started rolling (from his back to stomach and vice versa). Started to sit up supported and started to hold his head up, though, in a drunkard manner (head lag).
Kicks and waves frantically and eyeballs at us or other stimulus like sound and light.
Bites mommy's various body parts (hands, back, shoulder), scratches/slaps face, kicks, pokes eye, pulls hair. Now, imagine how I looked during this period!
By 7 months, he's able to pull himself to sit up and sits on his own (unsupported), starts to crawl (clumsily) and able to move around the house in a walker.
7 months old. I'm trying my best to crawl. |
At 8 months, he could hold on to the sofa and pull himself to stand up! I saw him pulled to a stand for the first time, right before my eyes and I gasped in disbelief: O MY GOD! Talk about reactions to baby's firsts! Something to annouce to my husband again! Can't wait to see his deliberately inhibited expression tonight :) (he said it's MANLY to hide ones' expressions. *me rolls eyeballs).
Soon after, he was dragging the dining and study chairs across the rooms.
Dances to music, both feet on the floor, bobbing style.
Puts, literally, EVERYTHING into his mouth.
8 months old. Mmm, yummy... |
* Dear Jovie, mummy's really looking forward to the day that I can hold your hand and take you for a walk.
9 months old
Starts babbling - finally. He is rather slow in the speech department as compared to his gross motor development.
Cuts 3rd and 4th teeth (right and left upper front teeth) Now, with 4 front teeth resembling tiny white mints, he looks totally cute when he flashes his toothy grin!
Started walking a few steps with aid, cruising around the house by holding on to furniture and push toys.
Had this strange bodily twitch everytime he turns his head to the left. It really scares mummy! Does he had a nerve problem? Thankfully, he eventually grew out of this too :)
Shortly after that, he began opening drawers, emptying the contents inside, pulling the curtains and everything else he could get hold of.
Gosh, this is the beginning of his exploration/experimentation madness (and my child-proofing madness!).
10 months old. I believe in miracles, where you from, you sexy thing... |
13 to 14 months old
Jovie begins to walk on his own - uncoordinated and awkwardly, with his hands swinging for balance.
Saw it with my own eyes, the first time he really walked (5 steps), with his legs wide apart. Haa.. What a sight! I would describe that as stumbling! And, of course, mummy sheds the tears of joy :) In fact, it started as 1-2 steps before falling, then 5, then 10...and so on.
13 months old. First steps |
Alternates between crawling and walking.
Climbs out of the walker, dangerously! Time to chuck the walker - or climb-proof it if possible.
Now has 8 teeth, the top and bottom 4 front teeth.
Waves goodbye, coupled with a flying kiss.
Clap hands.
15 - 16 months old
Cuts 9th and 10th teeth, his upper first molars, one gap away from the front teeth on Christmas Day (2011) once again!
Walks well, turn around in circles, walk backwards, runs quite steadily.
Here comes the temper tantrums (and my screamings!) - as his ego kicks in. p-a-t-i-e-n-c-e
Repeating words and actions after you - imitation. Ok, mummy, now start to watch your actions and speech!
Starts walking outdoors, went to the playground, eats adult food (partly mashed), eats grapes, papaya, banana, blueberry, apple and nuts.
At 16 months old, threw things out of the window! Angry papa picked up toys 15 floors below, on the grass patch.
16 months old. And soon, he was buzzing around the house, running amok. He was bouncing everywhere and getting hurt everyday (bumps, cuts and all). It's like he went crazy! Difficult to capture him on camera :0 |
17 months old
Knows who is and calls 'Papa'. I'm sure that sentimental father did teared a bit.
Says eat and outing (called mum mum and gai gai respectively in the Singaporean Chinese baby language).
Starts playing imaginatively e.g. pretending to eat, feed me, and drink.
Says 'bird' and points to it. It sounds like 'birrr'
Not potty-trained yet - treats potty as cap/hat and a bath toy!
Climbs all over the house - at times reaching the ceiling on the window grills!
Opens fridge and toilet seat. childproof, childproof, childproof! Ahhhh! It's driving me insane!
He's pretty stubborn and persistent. Very naughty but chicky, cute, and adorable at the same time - which left me rather helpless. Should I laugh or should I lecture?
Surprises me with his silly acts every other day.
Follow and act upon these instructions:
Dry your feet (with the floor mat)
Keep your toys
Wear/take off your bib, shoe, clothes, pants - all with my help.
Take a bow
Angry (says 'grrrh' when he sees Angry Bird in any form - on a t-shirt, a stuff toy, in a picture, on the TV)
Bao bao - which means 'full' (from eating). Pats his stomach upon hearing it.
17 months old. #Outdoors. #On foot #with head bump |
18 - 19 months old
Pulls me to fridge/kitchen counter/the main house door and asks for pacifier/food/water/outings.
Mimics what I do: Wipe the floor, sneeze, cough, cry, laugh, dance (at times swaying with a soiled diaper - hilarious!)
Immense interest in playing with other kids, people, animals, and things (chases/ touches/ smiles/ points/ waves at people, birds, cats, dogs, and flyover airplanes).
Throws tantrums excessively at times. p-a-t-i-e-n-c-e
Cries for no apparent reason - then laughs. Argh!
Do ridiculous things like: putting the whole can of fish food into the little pond and the fishes died the next day due to over-eating and suffocation caused by water pollution; throws everything into the basin; makes a complete mess of the house; and do dangerous stunts to scare the mommy every other day.
Loves to swim.
Starts scribbling.
Knows and points to body parts (head, eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, which came much later).
19-month-old: Diapers war! Vehemently refuses to wear diapers for a few days. Tries to potty-train him but failed. :(
Knows how to turn door knobs and opens door - should buy anti-slam
door stoppers already.
20 months old
Attends playgroup! 2 hours, Mondays to Fridays. Stubbornly wants to carry his school bag. 1st teacher of his life: Mrs Wendy.
Blows trumpet and bubbles.
Knows what is "check poo poo" - walks up to me and lets me check.
By now, the house is 90% childproof-ed. Phew! I guess achieving 100% is quite impossible - there'll always be accidents lurking. Can't help it with such an EXTREMELY curious and active boy.
21 months old
That poor little boy is
down with middle ear infection (
Otitis Media) which lasted a month. Had fever for 2 weeks (highest up to 38.5 degrees Celsius) plus runny nose and cough. Three doctor visits in 2 weeks.
This is when I
weaned him off his pacifier, cold turkey (
Yippie!) - I think being too sickly and weak, he forgot all about it. Warned hubby not to mention the word
du du (pacifier) in his presence. By the way, that's
a great opportunity in a crisis. And, I'm actually, to quote
My Little Black Book:
Find(ing) the goodness in every bad situation.
Clearly points to things or places he wants to go with some babbling.
Points to the body part which is in pain after a fall/bump.
*Important note: If your child has fever, is unusually fussy, cannot sleep well, pulls/taps his ear or head, and has runny nose, please request your doctor to check his inner ear for infection. Prolonged infection of the ear may lead to partial/total deafness!
22 months old
Wears socks by himself
The first time he calls me "mama" (finally!) clearly and specifically - while fetching him from school. *tears welled in my eyes. I practically wanted to shout: O MY GOD! But, with the presence of other parent, I contained myself and did the celebratory dance with him instead along the way home.
*They say a woman is a mother the day she is pregnant or the day she has given birth. But for me, I feel like I've fully become a mother the day my child calls me mummy.
Plays ipad. Although half the time he was just moving about from app to app, he could play it for hours. Children are indeed different nowadays. And great - I can get some chores done in peace.
Ah boy ah, why you look so sad? Got ipad still not happy?
Last time ah, mommy only have stick, stones and sand you know! |
Correctly points to pictures of fish, bird, apple, shoes, baby, tiger when I ask. (90% of the time)
Throws small ball overhead and kicks ball.
* Dearest Jovie, mummy hope that we can chat about everything under the sun soon...
23 - 24 months old
By his second birthday, He has a total of 16 teeth. I didn't keep track of exactly when the 11th to 16th teeth sprouted as they were not as eventful compared to the previous ones. He should be getting his full set of teeth (total 20 teeth) by age three.
Able to find and scratches itchy spots. Hmm, sometimes I wonder whether they do itch for their first year of life.
Says 'baby' and 'ball ball' when he sees them in real life or in pictures.
Wears shoes on his own
Completes animal puzzles (on ipad) - after playing them continuously.
Can clearly differentiate between apple, blueberry, and banana.
Can jump with both feet off the floor - hopping about.
Says 'No' while shaking head. Sounds like 'naaww'.
Still babbling, but now it sounds like he is really having a blah-blah conversation with us. Hope that he can start talking soon.
Finally, my little buddy starts sleeping throughout the night. Now mummy can catch up on the lost sleep for the past 2 years!
Phew! The storm's over, and the rainbow shines at us.
*Dear mummy, please bring me to the doctor's for an overall development checkup when I turn three. Hopefully, we'll be talking our tongues off by then!
Happy 2nd Birthday my little rascal. *smells & kisses :) |