Dec 20, 2017

Why Can't I feel Satisfied With My Life?

In search of life's satisfaction:
Every moment can be the perfect moment, if you let it.

There was once in my life I had everything I wished for. Some rather common things like a family, a degree, a job, a home, and a nice pair of shoes. It's like I suddenly realised all my dreams came true. More or less.

But the irony is, why do I feel more alive and purposeful before my dreams came true? Shouldn't I feel happier, contented, and relaxed after fulfilling my dreams?

Of course, there was the initial joy and pleasure of having what I wished for. After all, I tried so hard and put in so much effort. I earned it. But those positive emotions didn't last as long as I expected. So, what went wrong? What's wrong with me?

It is like you can have everything you'd wanted but you are still unsatisfied. Is it because a person's greed/wants can be unlimited, if you let it? Like the saying, all the things in the world cannot please a greedy person.

After much pondering, these are the two conclusions I came about for my situation.

1. Perhaps I am not grateful enough for all the things I have, and taking things and people for granted. So, I must increase my 'gratefulness level'. I don't want to regret if I ever lose them one day.

2. When there was something to achieve, I felt alive and purposeful. What I did was meaningful and needed. But when I've achieved my goals, there was nothing else to do, and nowhere to go to, which makes my days meaningless. So, in order to keep myself feeling alive, I have to find something meaningful to do.

But this time, I have to find something that is more sustainable (i.e. not accumulating expensive things), something that lasts - like helping people (This won't end. There are countless people who need help). Or, I can simply do well in my job and provide my service professionally to the people around me (This won't end too, unless you quit, got retrenched, etc). In short...

Just do something positive to the people around you as much as you can afford; mentally, physically and financially. And always be grateful and treasure what you have (for both people and things). Do not take them for granted.